Why affirmations and incantations can be the miracle you need to change your life.

In the end it is not the years in your life that count. It is the life in the years.

Abraham Lincoln

A personal journey, the story of my life, and one which when I look back I see a reason to smile. Being the firstborn in a family of three siblings, losing my father while in high school, and the journey to where I am today writing this is all but evidence that when you commit your mind to something nothing becomes insurmountable. I tell it all because I affirmed not a while ago that I wanted to be somebody, to change the world in my little ways, inspire hope and challenge someone who was or is about to give up. If I was able to rise, break the shatter, and the cocoons of my comfort zone why can’t you?

A few years back while serving my country in 2015 during the Alshabaab insurgency in Lamu County I decided it was enough, tired of being mediocre, a common figure in the statistics that govern my work department. I chose to go back to school to pursue higher education, I remember being laughed at, called names, and asked why the choice was so urgent putting into consideration the work environment. I chose to press on despite the naysayers and here I am today rejuvenated.

Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.

Nelson Mandela

Fast forward to 2021 when things seemed to fall apart in all aspects of my life, marriage, business, and education. Actually to be honest I lost everything except my education though I had to put it on hold as I was pursuing my postgraduate degree in the field of psychology. I digged deep into my being, asked why this or that was happening at that juncture, and in an abyss of thoughts, I lost myself in the wonder of what was happening. Out of the blue, a little voice whispers from deep within that even the word impossible beats itself up by having the word I’m possible. Positive words ministered to my heart that the storm was just passing by and everything was going to be alright.

Back to our topic now having given you a synopsis of my life for the last couple of years.

What are affirmations?

These are acts of the assertion that something is true or that something exists. It is a statement used to shift an individual’s mindset by using repeated positive words or phrases. When the individual picks the words and repeats them to himself he internalizes them and makes them his own. These words are a powerful tool to shift someone from a place of self-loathing to a place of self-acceptance, leading to healing.

I remember this as a practical tool that helped me navigate a rough patch of my life a while back. I was about to give up on my education journey and throw the white towel into the boxing ring of life and through affirming my capacity to conquer I managed to win in the end. They were summed as “I am a winner and quitting is not my portion, I will push forth no matter what and I know winning is mine to have.” This became my everyday mantra until I was able to complete that phase of my education journey.

What are incantations?

These are words used by an individual in embodying the meaning behind the words used by the user. When we talk of embodying we mean adding to the words energy such as moving some parts of your body for example hands or stumping your legs as you utter the words. This give intensity and communicates a strong believe into bringing to life the manifestation of the affirmed words. An example of this can be such as,” I am strong, I am a winner and nothing will stop me from achieving my dream.” As the words are spoken the individual can move his hands back and forth in a movement that resonates an energy vibe between the words and actions done. It mirrors a close correlation between the two acts of speaking and doing the body movement.

From a practical point of view affirmation and incarnations can be used to extinguish the voice of doubt that may arise especially in a place where a solution to a certain problem seems as an impossible reality. They can rejuvenate an individual’s zeal into commiting more energy towards accomplishing a task at hand despite how tumultuous it can be.

You can chose the words that fit to that specific situation you are in and employ them in anchoring your mind towards accomplishing the intended end result. Try it and you will be a witness to the effectiveness of either the two. We most times fail not because of how the task at hand is difficult but because we subconscious communicate to ourselves that we are incapable of doing that which will are doing.

As I said earlier even the word impossible has the word I’m possible in itself. Choose the better option of positive self talk and believe.