The mental health tsunami of the 21st century, the long wait could not wait any longer. It was like a time bomb ready to detonate.


The earth shook and trembled to the quake of time, this juncture was time-bound to shock the world. It was expected to be seen visible manifestations in form of broken window panes, cracked walls, ceiling boards, house floors, uprooting of the Mugumo tree, and the relocation of the mountains. They asked, “Is this really happening, or am dreaming?”

 The seas and oceans were affected by the trembles as the continental plates drifted due to the tectonic waves only for us to realize this was an illusion, a mirage, and a devil’s lake. The fear that was sold to the people was unfounded, a dark cat in a dark room which was not there.

The state was a quagmire, a wake-up call that something ought to be done. The meaning of this illusion was drenched in the mind of the people, could I say the last kicks of a dying horse that is even if am slain yet I will praise God.

Rest assured that as the story of Simon Makonde goes, he was born on a Monday, he got baptized on Tuesday, got married on Wednesday, became sick on Thursday, got admitted to the hospital on Friday, died on Saturday, and was buried on Sunday. What a sad story!

The trajectory of life is not defined as life seems to posit today. These are the questions we ought to ask ourselves;

  1. What will I be remembered for?
  2. Have I really live to achieve my purpose?
  3. Has my life made a diference in this world given by the Creator to tread upon?
  4. Am I a wastage to the Creator’s handiwork or am I the fullness of His creation?

If Simon Makonde’s life was yours to eulogize what would you write on his tombstone?

Just like how we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us we ought to be cautious enough to weigh and decipher the construct of our actions so we don’t fall short to the hands of time.

A young teaching professional just posted to his first work station expressed himself to a bewildered group of parents in a meeting on how he was lucky to be in a business venture, the only one of its kind that allowed the behavioral reinforcement through punishing of the customers as a way to service delivery. The humor in his presentation caused some parents in the meeting to burst into laughter while others were heard murmuring and whispering. If only you were there to see the fire in his eyes and energy in his words an expression of how passionate he was in what he offered.

Mental health spaces

Photo by cottonbro on

Times have changed and our indignation to adapt to the changing times is the root of all the troubles we face as a society today. We ought to develop a positive mindset and grow beyond the confines of what troubles u today, the bumps in our lives, the shortcomings we face daily by understanding there is nothing permanent in this world and just like seasons it will pass.

Spaces that are safe to share, explore on life issues we face daily, and brainstorm on different options of finding solutions to our dilemmas ought to be nurtured to create a healing environment to this our ailing generation struck by selfie show and do.

The greatest touch to humanity and the creation of legacy comes not in being successful in life but by rising to the quest for significance. To be significant is to seek to leave behind an impact wherever you go by causing a stir up to the hearts of men in their quest to change and embrace positive growth.

The mental health spaces ought to bring forth this kind of energy in the people around them causing a yearning for more and the rejuvenation with a desire to rise from the comfort zones and refuse to be complacent.

A man has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his own existence to the broader concerns of all humanity.

(Martin Luther King JR)