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Being a little stressed does not mean you are developing trauma or have been exposed to traumatic experiences. A tough day at work, overdue tasks giving you pressure, or a disagreement with a loved one can be what is causing you that emotional turmoil you are experiencing today.

In this article, we provide you an understanding of trauma therapy, how to know you are suffering from trauma, techniques for treatment, and why & where to get a trauma therapist.

Let’s get started.

What is trauma therapy?

What is trauma? – “an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster.” according to American Psychological Association ( APA) 

Some emotional reactions like denial, flashbacks, or physical symptoms like nausea and headaches that are overlooked may lead to trauma in the long term.

Trauma therapy is a form of therapy that can help you deal with the emotional response caused by a traumatic event.

According to Kelly Workman; PsyD, a psychologist at Columbia University Medical Center who specializes in treating trauma says; 

Research findings in recent studies show that over 50% of people in the world have in one way or experienced one traumatic experience in the course of their lives. Trauma can include a wide range of situations, ranging from serious injury, sexual violence, and life-threatening events, to chronic abuse and neglect, being bullied, and homelessness,” 

How do you know you are suffering from trauma? 

Overwhelming feelings, shock, and persistent helplessness can be an indicator of trauma. If trauma has developed into mental health disorder called Post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD) 

There are several types of trauma, and get categorized depending on the levels of the trauma; 

  • Acute trauma – comes from a single dangerous or stressful event
  • Chronic trauma –results from prolonged exposure to stressful events
  • Complex trauma –exposure to multiple traumatic events.

Symptoms of  trauma 

The emotional and psychological responses can include;

  • Denial, fear, anger
  • Shame, confusion, anxiety
  • Hopelessness, numbness, guilt
  • Depression, irritability, 
  • Difficulty concentrating.

Physical symptoms like;

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Racing heart
  • Feeling jumpy
  • Fatigue

Types of trauma therapy 

  1. Cognitive processing therapy ( CPT )
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It’s a cognitive behavioral treatment that focuses on patients ‘stuck’ in their thoughts about trauma developed by Patricia Resick P.h.D  offering a 12- session physiotherapy for PTSD. 

CPT treatment teaches you to evaluate and change the upsetting thoughts you have from the trauma. By changing those thoughts, you can change how you feel.

  1. Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy ( TF-CBT)

Its evidence-based psychotherapy or counseling treatment approach has shown to help children, adolescents, and their parents (or other caregivers) overcome trauma-related difficulties, including child maltreatment, according to Child Welfare Information Gateway

TF-CBT helps children address distorted or upsetting beliefs and attributions and learn skills to help them cope with ordinary life stressors. Helps parents to cope effectively with stressors around them as they develop effective skills to support their children suffering from trauma. 

It’s a short-term intervention of between eight to 25 sessions and takes place in schools, local clinics, or in-person trauma therapy treatment. 

  1. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing ( EMDR) 

EMDR therapy is a therapeutic treatment technique begun by Francine Shapiro (Shapiro, 1989a, 1989 b) to reduce the distress rooted or associated with traumatic memories. Shapiro’s (2001) Adaptive Information Processing model posits that EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences to bring these to an adaptive resolution.

New studies (2014)  carried out in the recent past have come out supporting the effectiveness of EMDR therapy application in dealing with trauma such as;

  • It helps release somatic symptoms like muscle tension and pain.
  • Can help relieve emotional struggles from adverse experiences
  • It May work more effectively for  trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 
  1. Prolonged exposure ( PE )

EMDR therapy is applied in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by applying an option of two treatment procedures namely; imaginal and Vivo exposure. 

Prolonged exposure therapy (PET), was developed by Edna Foa P.h.D. PET got support from the Department of Veteran Affairs & Defense and the American Psychiatric Association who both endorsed it.

The goal of PET is to gradually reengage the patient to live by facing the danger they are trying to avoid and make it safe to talk about and even face the challenges.

  1. Narrative exposure therapy 

It focuses on stories people tell themselves about their lives which impact how they view themselves and live their lives. A trauma therapist can help you by actively listening, and offering positive feedback. It helps reframe the narratives in their lives and they perceive themselves in their mind.

Small groups of people seeking therapy may receive four to ten sessions of Narrative exposure therapy (NET) together or the therapy can be tailored to fit individual therapy as well. The story a person tells himself about his life influences how he describes his experiences and wellbeing. Framing one’s life story solely around traumatic experiences leads to a feeling of persistent trauma and distress.

Trauma therapy techniques 

Each technique in trauma therapy is dependent on the type of trauma you are suffering from. 

  •  Impact statement –  It’s a common Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) technique where patients write down an impact statement that explains why they believe in the traumatic event that happened and what impact it has on their life.
  • Written account – Your trauma therapist may ask you to write a descriptive account of the trauma you experienced. 
  • Cognitive restructuring strategies – It’s a group of treatment techniques that help notice their negative thinking patterns. Self-defeating and destructive thought patterns through therapy are used to help redirect and interrupt thoughts that are unwarranted.
  • Imaginal exposure – This is where you imagine the trauma and describe it out loud to your therapist. Those patients who have been avoiding traumatic events through denial can confront them using this technique.
  • In vivo exposure – It occurs outside the therapy session, in real-life situations. In Vivi exposure is used to help clients gradually approach their day-to-day dilemmas or what they may have been avoiding facing.

What trauma therapy can help with

  • Accident, abandonment, homelessness
  • Illness, divorce, job loss, injury
  • Imprisonment, sexual assault, death of a loved one
  • Bullying, neglect, violence

Benefits of trauma therapy

  1. Build trust

With therapy, you get to restore the trust you had lost with people through self-doubt and denial. A trauma therapist walks you through the journey back from your trauma experience that resulted in trusting people less and less.

  1. Challenge problematic beliefs

Therapy can help challenge the traumatic patterns you are having. You get to redirect your thoughts and disconfirm your beliefs.

Workman stated that people can be helped challenge their problematic beliefs by looking at the belief patterns to bring out clarity to their action path. Bringing to an individual’s awareness that sometimes bad things happen to good people who have nothing to do with causing the bad thing happening can be a game-changer. They may need help to challenge these self-defeating beliefs for them to heal.

  1. Effectiveness

A study done in 2017 on veterans suffering from trauma, in a trauma management study saw a significant reduction in issues like anger, fear, depression, and social isolation.

  1. Reduce fear and avoidance

Fear can make people avoid other people, things, and places. Being involved in a car accident on a freeway may cause the individual to avoid driving on freeways or be afraid to get into a car at all which can be a trigger to trauma.

  1. Offer validation

Trauma can help you validate your traumatic experience and offer an understanding of how to handle the events and make peace with them.

  1. Improve coping skills

Trauma therapy can help you build back your confidence and embrace some coping skills for events you can’t do anything about like losing a loved one.

Considerations made for trauma therapy

Suicide risk 

In the event, that someone has been struggling with suicidal thoughts, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy ( DBT) and with a combination of prolonged exposure ( PE). The client seeking therapy shouldn’t have attempted any suicide attempt in the last two months. DBT addresses self-harm inclinations that the client may present before the treatment plan is begun. The

Commitment level

Committing to finishing trauma treatment sessions is critical in the healing journey and very essential. Stopping treatment midway is not ideal. It may increase clients’ chances of being affected adversely by their traumatic experience and cause them more harm than good.

Coping skills

Coping skills are important to manage intense emotions without being dependent on depressant medication or substance use. For you to complete any trauma therapy successfully, you will need to embrace some coping mechanisms.

How to start trauma therapy? 

If you go through a traumatic experience or have been exposed to one you need to consider seeking professional help as soon as possible.

In the case, you are already undergoing trauma therapy you should continue attending those sessions. At Nasaha Africa, we have a team of experienced therapists for individual and even group therapy treatments. Contact us today.

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