By MC CLIDE the Poet

In our African setup, the appreciation and use of poetry to communicate hard truths to the people was creatively used to explore twists of life, nature, conduct, and the presentation of what was seen going contrary to the societal norms. Warning and communication of disappointment were conveyed to the intended audience using a number of creative ways such as poetry, folk roles, stories, and riddles. The antagonist in this piece of art has closed borders of acceptable behavior and to his face is told of the pain his conduct has caused. In our case, poetry is employed as below shown.

Photo by Denis Ngai on

My brother

My brother
I've chosen to tell you
As I will tell the elders
So you don't ask
"Why didn't he ask me first?"

My brother
Since I brought home
A second wife
From the shores
Of lake Victoria
Your good eye has changed

My brother
The eye you give me
Of late is one red with jealousy
As if I am a thief
Of what should be yours

My brother
The eye you give my young wife
The words you share
With Akumu my second wife
Leave me worried

My brother
Am told you were seen
In the compound
Of Owiti the witch doctor
And that he gave you
A sackful of medicine

My brother
The just other day
Nyar Ugenya my precious cow
Fell into the well

My brother
Just so you know
My ten year old dog
Foxxy went blind
And ten of my chicken died

My brother
Am told you were seen
Passing by my shamba
Where I used to harvest
Sacks of groundnuts

My brother
Just so you should know
Am not blind
I have ears glued to the ground
I listen to even the wind
And lately

My brother
Tame your eye
Tame your mouth
Tame your loins
Before this compound

Mc Clide the poet

#TheCryingInk #poetryforhealingtheworld