The schools have finally closed after a rigorous term of studies and students get almost two months at home as parents, this is the time you get to spend some quality time with your child. Parents most of the time focus on satisfying their children’s physical needs (food, shelter and clothing) and in the process totally ignore their mental needs.

All children and youth have the right to happy and healthy lives and they also deserve access to effective mental health care, Good mental health in children is as important as the physical needs because it also adds up to the adult they will become in future.


Listen to them, you will be surprised at how much help you’ll be able to offer your child if you give him/her a listening ear. This process will allow you to learn more about the child, the things they don’t show or let out, and it will also increase the parent-child bond.

Observe and correct with love, it is important to give your child space opening an opportunity for them to explore and develop new skills and independence, but also, use this time to observe them. This process will show you the real character of your child in case you observe a bad habit or behaviour Provide appropriate guidance and instructive discipline, offer guidance and discipline that is fair and consistent. 

Provide Unconditional love, tell and show your child that you love and care for them dearly, the family love and warmth encourages children to approach parents with their problems making it easy to handle the problem during its onset stage.

Provide an enabling avenue for the children to play with others, this not only develops their social skills but also helps them to self-control and problem-solving skills and nurtures their creativity.

Appreciate them, as the main caregiver urge people around your child to be encouraging and supportive this will give the child a sense of inclusivity and make it easy for them to express themselves.

Provide a safe and secure home, make your child be comfortable at home, avoid threats, angry comments and foul language around them, this is the best way of doing away with fear and anxiety in your children.


Good mental health care in children;

· Nurture children’s confidence and self-esteem.

· Develops their thought process.

· Improves their social and personal skills

· Develops their emotional health and growth