If today was your last day alive, what would you do differently? The fallacy and the story we all tell ourselves yet hind in the cocoon of complacency.

What a fun way to sink deep into our unconscious being, to explore a different perspective and change if it validates the reason Why? When? How? and What rained down on us? This is a hard place to hit, to even think of trying to talk about and create a conversation around.


  • We were nurtured to react to anything that trigers the Fight Flight and Freeze mode a call by nature if it would be the best fit alternative to because it gives humans context to life as a whole set of either to do something or be something.
  • Because it sounds to reason a hard nut to crack when it is deemed an act of providence to act.

By contrasting a video play and an unscripted life scene you get to see that most people especially millennials are drenched in the Selfie stupor and fail to differentiate between reality and marketing stunts portrayed over the internet of flashy lifestyles and trends.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

To help you get started in evaluating your perspective ask yourself these questions:

  • Why do i go online?
  • What topics content do i feed on online?
  • Who do i engage online?
  • How does what i consume/ view online impact my life?

Millenials sundown

The confines of your present moment do not chain you to a way of being but the way you chose to do with what you consume impacts your viewpoint of life as a whole. Evaluate the time you spend online by establishing if it causes to forgo other important aspects of your life or if holds you from becoming the best version and if it does any of this then change.

Can’t figure out where you are? Journal it down to check how you spend the hours of your day. Jot it down and you may be amazed by how it has been. As a wise man broke it all down below;

Destiny is the harvest of character, character the summation of deed, deed the reputation of habit, habit the presentation of behavior, behavior the expression of thoughts, thoughts the spring of life then your heart.

Gedge M. Flattery

When you are ready to face your fears and take the first step towards the change you want only then shall you have found yourself. Life is not a beautiful struggle it is beautiful in its own right and the difference only comes from your vantage point. It is a sad state of affairs unless we as a generation choose to have a paradigm shift.