By Samuel Njoroge

You may have to sacrifice or give up on some of your passions in life but remember, you are not alone. It is not about feeling sorry for yourself. It is about acknowledging that you need help by realizing that others may be better equipped to provide it for you. Be patient with yourself as you adjust to your new circumstances.

Search within and beyond the horizons blue for meaning and the reason you are here today.

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on

You may not be able to do everything that you used to do before, but it’s okay. You can slowly work up to those activities again if they are safe and appropriate for you. Stay positive and hopeful always even when things get difficult. Focus on the present, and what you can do right now to feel better physically and emotionally.

You are at the best stage of your life to encounter, face and deal with any stumbling block without getting affected much by the mental drain that comes with it. Mental peace is a necessity that we need to acquire for us to heal and stabilize. Think of it as a blessing in disguise. All of us need ways to cope with difficult situations which may prepare us emotionally and mentally. Remember that we are born in different environments and are exposed to different workings of nature and nurture.

Disappointments and frustrations are part of living but what really makes the difference is the force we apply in our process to achieve our dreams and ambitions. Spoiler alert, in one way or another we can not achieve all we long to achieve and we will at one time in our life have unfulfilled ambitions and dreams. Such inevitability is meant to be felt by men and women.

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution that rejects progress is the cemetry.

Harold Wilson

 Life is full of unpredictability and things may happen contrary to our expectations when least expected.  We cannot always have what we want nor should we lose sight of things that are important in life, like family, health, and career. We must never forget that it is we who control things in our lives and no one has a perfect life. Everyone will experience some sadness, failure, and low self-esteem but it isn’t about being perfect but the choices one makes despite our imperfection.

Life is about how you feel about yourself despite being imperfect meaning sometimes things will go wrong and this doesn’t mean that this will be forever the case. The world’s number one greatest job for an individual is to care for himself as no one will be responsible for one’s life. When we do this we will definitely challenge ourselves to change the world.