The death bed is not my portion
Giving up and failing is not mine either
I will rise up no matter what
Dust myself up for falling is learning to rise
I will serve for duty calls me to give my all
Death you death I call out unto thee
Your time and place is not anywhere near me
Nor my beloved are not yours to devour
Strong though broken tall I will stand through time
I hold unto hope for the light shines bright to me
I am a conqueror
To the battle field I have gone given and broken
This war this fight I fought to win
Loosing nor failing to win not my vocabulary
Falling into the eternal siesta not now to go
I will win this battle no matter what may
I am a winner like the man of valor was trained to be
Life may break my bones but never my life
I will live for life is to be alive for the breath I hold
The wounds of time shall heal this I know
Time and chance appear unto us all
I am a conqueror
They grouped to laugh as I trembled due to pain
The world so cruel with its fangs struck
Down to the gutters they wanted me to fall
Their hate and indifference dwindled the fire within
From the distant blue a voice soothed my soul
Son don’t dare give up push please push I heard
Alright it shall be rise up and push
I wailed in agony gathering my strength not to break
Chocked by their words sharp as doubled edged sword I found my breath to dare again
A pauper in this land of living staggered to rise
My blood bone and all gave me a reason to live again
To serve mama the land of my forefathers
I am a conqueror this now I know

At this juncture, I choose to dare  live
I say no to suicide
I say no to die by my hands before time
I say no to turn the gun on me
I say to give up
I say no to being segregated due to uniform
I say no to leaving my children fatherless
I say no to react to their insults
I say no to being a statistics
I am a conqueror
I will conquer this
Pain, loneliness, emptiness, and bitterness
I will manifest
Life, vitality, hope, and self-love
I will speak
Growth, long life, and positive change
I decree that I am the change I want
The fire that ignites my world
The light in my darkest night
The knight that rescues me
A conqueror
I am what I am and what I am I am
An overcomer.

Suicide is becoming a menace in our society today exacerbated by an increase in mental health issues affecting our generation. We need to do something to address this since in one way or another as a people we have experienced it in our family’s or been affected by the pain it brings about when significant others in our lives die by suicide.

Be the voice now before that stress, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and/or any other mental disorder metamorphoses leading to suicide or a more serious mental disorder. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one out of every five people you interact with is affected by a mental health issue. It is a worrying reality that in every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide. Addressing mental health issues requires a systemic approach that is multisectoral if we want to achieve the sustainable development goals as outlined in Vision 2030. Let’s all rise up and act for the time is now.