The burden of unforgiveness, the wounds of being wounded, and the pain of the emotional content that comes with unforgiveness.

The principal Hebrew word in the old testament for persons forgiving others is “nasa” which has an underlying meaning that is to lift, carry, take away.

From the Greek word, “aphesis” which means to send away.

The English word for forgiveness means to cease to feel resentment against someone and thoughts of revenge.

Psychology defines forgiveness as an act of deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment towards a person who had caused you harm.

Christianity dictates that for God to forgive you your sins you must also forgive others first.

Effects of forgiveness on your health

  • Reduces your blood pressure due to its effects of relaxing your body.
  • lowers your anxiety levels.
  • Reduces the risks of suffering from depression.
  • Improves sleep.

Choose to forgive today since it lowers the emotional burden that comes with carrying the burden of the pain you hold against the person you have chosen not to forgive.

Free your mind of thinking about that person and the wrong he did you every time you meet them or see them. It’s more peaceful to know that you have let go of the pain, worry, and content that came with the pain caused.

To be free does not mean to thrive in the absence of pain nor to be quenched off the thirst to dare. It is a mindset that transcends the happenstance of satiation of serenity and free will.

Tj Musyoki
Photo by Brett Jordan on

A mind at war with self is a dangerous mind blinded by hate, self-loathing and in its own poison commits every part it touches to rot. Like a free bird that cares not of the confines of being caged so is a man who opens his heart to forgiveness and heals himself from the wounds that pain self.

Revenge is for the small minds, big minds break the cords of revenge and transcend over the furnace of emotional boils to the reason above and beyond actions.

Why is forgiveness important?

  • It is a lighter burden to bear than unforgiveness.
  • It breaks peace of mind.
  • It is a requirement in most religious doctrines so to be forgiven also.
  • Lowers chances of suffering from anxiety, depression and moody outbursts.
  • Reduces the chances of indulging in substsnce abuse as a defense mechanism to facing the pain of unforgiving.
  • It nurtures compassion through empathetic response to others.
  • It free the hurt person from the past and intensity of holding grudges.
  • It is cathartic in that it eases the pain that come with keeping the pain in oneself.

A man who finds the courage to forgive another has grown out of the cacoon of self and becomes the bigger man than he who chooses to revenge. Forgiveness drains the ripple effect of resentment and anger that can burst into more wounds and create an environment for healing.

A number of sages say a man who holds no grudge bears forth fruits of forgiveness, awakens in the spiritual path to discovery. Forgiveness improves an individual’s mental health by reducing stress levels associated with unforgiveness.