Have mercy oooh winds of time 
Take me slow for time me to see Up on high me to flow
Friends for us to bond in time
I am chaff this I know
Slumber my time will come
In vanity flare up with time
Time fair when will you ever be To the loins of time me you took In mamas hands up I went
Clawing falling then walking
Here now slow eaten frail by time
Tiki taka to the hands of time

Time, for how long will you escape my grasp?

Who will hold me as an adage
As the sages our time decreed
A man really has not lived
Until he gives his all to humanity
To make a smile glow again
Thank you for truly I saw 
The beauty of love a sweet medley
A soothing sound to my soul
Now take me up ready I am
To Valhalla land of our father's Salute friend time quenched thee

Poetry a road map to the soul of man, the least traveled yet an awe to the mind that dares look deep. I loose myself everytime to thee when I feel lost in this our tumultuous world. If we could find the secret path out of the oblivious realm timed by time and the inanities of being then free we would forever be. I long to that day when dreaming won’t be my ideal for the ideal would be in my present present being, in the here and now with thee. Unchained from the shackles of boxed perspectives. Ha ha ha is now my new song to hahahaha free at last from me.