Expressing oneself using speech is the simple definition of talking, it also goes hand in hand with communication, which is passing information from one person to another.

Reality check
In today’s society, people are experiencing a lot of dilemmas which in many cases goes without finding a solution, this affects our mental capacity to interpret the world around us. As the saying goes, “a problem shared is a problem half solved” but many a time we choose to keep it to ourselves which then with time becomes a malignant cancerous tumour and can explode at any minute leading to a worse situation.

What is Psychotherapy?

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Talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy. APA defines it as a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. People are helped explore their experiences, discover or identify issues that cause emotional distress thereby being able to find different options of available solutions which then the client chooses that which best fits to solving their dilemma.

Process of therapy
The therapy sessions help the client look deep into their lives to establish if there exist previous traumas or underlying conditions so as to facilitate the evaluation and diagnosis of the mental health condition which then helps the therapist lay down the treatment plan.
The first step in this process involves creating rapport ( conducive environment) which helps break the barriers that may arise to hinder the success of the counseling process such as cultural dimensions, fear of being judged, confidentiality issues, and fear of opening up share intimate details of one’s life with the therapist.

Benefits of therapy

  • Breaks down stereotypes surrounding mental health.
  • Improves relationship between the client, therapist and client’s loved ones.
  • Aid in the recovery process.
  • The stigma surrounding mental health is broken.
  • Helps in the healing process as it equips the client with positive coping skills.

Our role as a society

  • To encourage people around us to seek therapy which will put them on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment.
  • To be the tools of change on the narrative behind mental health through advocacy.
  • To be a support system to those affected by mental health issues rather than descriminate them as members of our society.

Is Psychotherapy effective?

Research has shown that 75% of people who seek it are able to gain new insight into how they live their lives and change from a previously healthy living. It is important to become the voice of reason and change advocating for a culture of sharing among peers and the people around us. It is a reality that COVID-19 came with its benefits and challenges which have caused changes in the family and work system. We are going through a lot as human beings and we all need a shoulder to lie on which involves speaking about our stressors, our day-to-day experiences because it not only solves our problems but also strengthen relationship ties.

Medicine treats the body, talk therapy heals the mind and touches the soul.